Maintenance details are for vehicles in need of a little more than a was, but not quite a full detail. These quick clean ups usually take between 2 and 4 hours and are not aimed for cars that need more than just a little bit of freshening up. PLEASE note that maintenance details DO NOT substitute for our regular details, they are mostly intended as an in-between clean up once or twice a year.
Maintenance Details are outlined below:
Step 1: Thorough Wash
- Cleaning the wheels and tires, focusing mainly on the face of the wheel. Wheel Wells are cleaned along the outer lip
- Removing bugs from the vehicle
- Quick cleaning of the door jambs
- Full Exterior Wash
- Drying Exterior and using compressed air to remove water from body lines and seal
Step 2: The Interior
- Vacuum interior after using compressed air to blow out in between seats and carpet (Note: this vacuum is not as thorough as a full detail or interior detail vacuum)
- Dust off dashboard and other surfaces with no shine UV protection cleaner
- Clean Interior Windows
Step 3: The Exterior
- Sealant is Applied to the Painted Surfaces
- Tire Shine applied
- Exterior windows cleaned
- Vehicle is spray waxed to remove all sealant